Listen to Boniface “Oh My God”

Boniface “OH MY GOD,” Photo Credit: Ally Gonzalo.

There’s nothing quite empowering as when a person finds themselves and thrives on their newfound identity. Enter Boniface, an artist to look out for in 2020.

Boniface is the brainchild and primary creative outlet for Canada’s Micah Visser.
A young artist who spent the last eighteen months finding not only their voice and this innate ear for developing emotive songcraft as well as eventually finding themselves too.

Thus Boniface’s newest ode, Oh My God.
The track captures the intense inhale we take as we tell that someone special how we feel about them. We all know that risky moment where you put yourself out there. That palpable sense of anxiety as we wait with an uncertain breath of the unknown response.

Visser explains further: “Oh My God” is about letting someone know how you feel emphatically but without expectation. Love can feel big and scary and complicated but mostly I think it’s just about speaking your truth and letting it lie. With “Oh My God,” I’m speaking my truth and letting it lie.”

Paired over a melody-rich mosaic of sound, Oh My God soars in this artist introduction. Listen below or via your preferred streaming site HERE.

Lastly, look out for Boniface’s self-titled album on February 14th via Transgressive Records.


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