5 Coping Lessons If You’re Overwhelmed by World Tragedies

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With the current events splashed everywhere, not to mention on our social media feeds, it’s difficult to feel at peace with so many reminders of the world tragedies.

Of course, we all interpret current world events in our way, and it goes without saying (but we will) that there’s no right or wrong way on how to react.
Especially since our emotions tend to fluctuate when the breaking news of tragic events occurs, it can go from disbelief to sadness, to existential, then fearful, to helplessness, maybe anger, and also cynicism towards the future.

Times like this are when our optimism dwindles. We see the world as a dark, scary place, thus changing our moods and demeanors.
While scientists have long researched the effects of graphic news events and the dangers of seeing what real violence does to our psyches, the news coverage of tragedies are often connected to feeling more somber about the world overall.

For that reason, I’m discovering ways to help cope with shock, stress, anxiety, and depression that tend to spike during these moments.

  • Coping with Your Feelings. A crucial step in processing traumatic events even if we aren’t directly involved. Allowing ourselves to feel without stigma, judgment, or guilt is critical.
    Nevertheless, it’s essential to work with our emotions to facilitate a healing method.
  • Detach emotions from the situation. As stated above, an important reminder to help determine what’s rational and what isn’t. Facts and feelings are two different things; we can’t let our emotions sway our reasonable thinking.
  • Unplugging. Being informed is important; however, being plugged at all times like a 24/7 news coverage can be mentally exhausting. Selecting moments to step away and tune out can be important.
  • Go back to our usual schedules. Diving right back into our worlds can be hard at first, but it can also help as a diversion. This process can help heal us as we try to assimilate back to “normalcy.”
  • Don’t forget about self-care. Self-care is many things.
    Taking a break to get your nails done or staying in to binge-watch while wearing a sheet mask, the point is whatever it may be, don’t forget to take care of yourself.
    Also, don’t lean on vices or unhealthy go-to coping mechanisms like smoking, drinking, or perhaps taking drugs for escapism (myself included).

If you’re still struggling, visit this Help Guide.
However, if you’re feeling considerably more anxious or depressed following such incidents to where it’s affecting your day-to-day activities, seek a professional such as a grief counselor or a licensed psychologist if possible.


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