Watch: Two Feet “You?”

Firstly, we get double the treat with Two Feet’s You?. First came the single, now we there’s the video release.

Bill Dess, aka, Two Feet has a knack for fading the genre lines between R&B, alternative, indie, and electronic music. It’s mesmeric.
Uniquely so is the video for You?, combining heavier elements of punk and grunge incorporating the same heavier parts with a darker themed video.

To illustrate, Two Feet said: “I came up with the idea for this music video after watching a French horror/thriller film called ‘climax.’ I loved the dance scene in the beginning of the movie.
My music has taken off in the dance community and I wanted to embrace that. Johannes (the director) and I recruited the incredible Dani Vitale (choreographer) and her team to help us bring this vision to life

Header courtesy of Republic Records.


Oh, hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you!

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