Watch: Rosalía “A Palé”

By the same token of Rosalía’s previous video releases, we’re in for a real treat. One year after Rosalía released her album, El Mal Querer, the Barcelona star’s released A Palé.

A Palé’s also produced with frequent collaborator El Guincho and producer Frank Dukes (Travis Scott, Future).
Furthermore, the video’s directed by Jora Frantzis and is aesthetically darker than her previous videos. She even sports gold teeth and a Frida Kahlo-like unibrow.

Specifically, the track starts slowly with Rosalía’s sweet honeycomb-like vocals shining.
Then the trap beat hits along, her operatic style seems more gritty without losing the signature flamenco style that fans love.

A Palé takes inspiration from Rosalía’s hometown outside of Barcelona which’s dominated by the trucking industry, referring to shipping pallets often circulated throughout the area. Watch below.


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