Watch: Harry Hudson “Mean To Love”

Today, LA-based acclaimed singer-songwriter Harry Hudson unveils the video for his latest single “Mean To Love”.
The video was directed by DirectedxMODELS and shot in Lake Havasu City, AZ, while the song was produced by Jess Jackson and co-produced by Izzy Fontaine.

Moreover, as we previously said, Hudson’s deep baritone is velvety smooth. However, it’s the yearning expressed in Hudson’s voice that shows a depth that is sure to connect with listeners.

Of the inspiration behind the video, Harry says, “This video is a rebirth. It’s about me learning how to deal with the process of grieving.
I went from being at my lowest point to finding a higher purpose on this journey we call life. It’s never easy to get back up or, in this case, swim to shore, but it’s possible. You just need to find a reason to have hope
.” Lastly, watch below.


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